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Realistic copywriting:

Mostly nonsensical creations

(when taking a break from playing The Sims)

professional wannabe copywriting (i tried):

An graduated at the top of her class in 2017 and became the first film school student ever received

Lasalle Award for Academic Excellence. As a young artist, An challenged herself in different platforms and materials

such as illustration, filmmaking, animation, visual effects,…Her works speak their own language which filled with

vibrant colours and a hint of dark humor. Throughout her experience in the industry, she has supported

the creative team and collaborated on multiple award-winning projects,

with Google being a particular highlight.

Clients: Youtube, Google, MTV Asia, McDonald's, Atome, Nickelodeon,

DBS, UOB, PUB, MCCY, MCI, StarHub, Volkswagen, Porsche…